Evaluate your investments. Some members choose to make a difference by donating stock. Such gifts offer a charitable deduction for the full value instead of paying capital gains tax.
EIN # 95-3403273
Basic Membership
Starting at
Starting at
Monthly Giving
Starting at
Make your tax-deductible donation go further by reducing fundraising costs & eliminating the need to send paper renewals and end-of-year appeals.
Preservation Fund
Planned Giving
Evaluate your investments. Some members choose to make a difference by donating stock. Such gifts offer a charitable deduction for the full value instead of paying capital gains tax.
EIN # 95-3403273
Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to make a gift of cash and securities today that lets you receive extensive tax benefits as well as an income for as long as you live.
Many people consider protecting our cultural heritage by remembering the Conservancy in their will. While providing us with a dependable source of income, bequests may qualify you for an estate tax deduction. EIN # 95-3403273
Our attorney has recommended the following language to include The Archaeological Conservancy as a beneficiary of a will or trust: “I give ___ (percentage, residuary share, or specific amount) to The Archaeological Conservancy, having its principal offices at 1717 Girard Blvd., NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.”
In 2002, The Archaeological Conservancy established a leadership society, the Living Spirit Circle, in order to acknowledge the increasing number of contributors who are interested in making a legacy gift to support archaeological preservation. This circle is open to those who wish to make a lasting contribution by including the Conservancy in their will or estate plans, or by making a life-income gift such as a charitable gift annuity.
Become a member of the Living Spirit Circle by letting us know that you have included the Conservancy in your will or trust or by establishing a charitable gift annuity. Benefits include:
Including our organization in your estate plans is a significant way to help ensure the future of archaeological preservation in the United States. Your lasting legacy will allow the Conservancy to protect spectacular cultural treasures for years to come.
For more information, please contact:
Anne Lowe or Sarah Webber
For more information, please contact:
Sarah Webber | sarah@thearchcons.org
Anne Lowe | anne@thearchcons.org
Phone: (505) 266-1540