Since 1990, Kathleen and Michael Gear, both trained as professional archaeologists, have been writing best-selling novels about the prehistoric people of North America. In all they have produced some 33 novels that have sold 16 million copies and been translated into 21 different languages.
People of the Black Sun is the fourth volume of a series featuring the Iroquois of New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Ontario. Set in the period just before the European invasion, it follows the five Iroquois nations through endless warfare to the emergence of the Iroquois Confederacy. Based on the latest scientific research (bibliography included) People of the Black Sun tells a tale of Dekanawida, the Peacemaker, and Hiawento, his Speaker, as they seek to bring the last of the holdouts into the peace treaty. They continue to be harassed by warriors of the last hostile group. The alternative is all out war. This is a fun way to experience the trauma and triumph of the past with characters full of vitality and compassion. —Mark Michel