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Located in the northeastern corner of Arkansas, Chickasawba is a large site believed to have originally consisted of three mounds arranged around a plaza area, and three other, smaller mounds, located on the southern half of the site. Today, the site is dominated by Mound A, which is approximately twenty-feet tall. The other mounds are barely visible as a consequence of years of farming.

Chickasawba is named for a Chief Chickasawba who, according to historical accounts, lived in a cabin on one of the mounds in the early 1800s. The site, however, long predates its namesake. The archaeological evidence suggests that Chickasawba was continuously occupied from the Late Archaic (circa 3000-1500 B.C.) through the Proto-historic periods. Researchers have found several burned houses and other evidence that indicate there was a significant occupation during the later portion of the Mississippian and early Proto-historic periods around A.D. 1550.


Summary. Read full text of article in American Archaeology, Fall 2017 | Vol. 21 No. 3.