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From our President, Mark Michel:

As the COVID-19 pandemic grows, staying connected is more important than ever. We hope this finds you and your friends and family healthy and safe.

On behalf of all The Archaeological Conservancy staff and Board of Directors, I want to thank you for all your support. As we all navigate this crisis together, our staff at the Albuquerque headquarters and our regional offices are working remotely to save archaeological sites across the country.

The Conservancy will continue to work diligently towards our mission. Each of our preserves is a precious piece of our nation’s history. We persevere because we know that these important sites need protection. We also know that if we don’t protect them, no one will.

We are all worried about the future. But knowing we have your support through these uncertain times will ensure that we can continue expanding our preservation programs throughout the country.

Thank you and stay safe.