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The Archaeological Conservancy’s Eastern Office announced the grand opening of the Ebbert Spring Archaeological Preserve and Heritage Park in May 0f 2019. This park is the culmination of years of effort by The Archaeological Conservancy, in close partnership with Antrim Township, the Allison-Antrim Museum, and the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, to protect one of the most important prehistoric archaeological sites in Pennsylvania as well as the mid-18th century house connected to the Allisons, the founding family of Greencastle.

The Allison House
The spring house next to Ebbert Spring, which puts out over 600 gallons of water per minute (Also see video below). 
A fluted point found during excavations at the site.
A hand-made wire crucifix found during excavations at the site.
The park is full of wildlife, including this couple and their newly hatched babies.  Photo taken in May 2019.
Flowers adorn the trails and buildings throughout the park.

The Ebbert Spring site changed how archaeologists’ understand prehistoric settlement patterns in the region. For years, researchers thought that dense prehistoric settlements were only along major waterways; however, excavations at the Ebbert Spring site revealed that large prehistoric habitation sites could also be found near freshwater springs, and not just rivers and streams.  At the heart of the prehistoric and historic resources in the park is Ebbert Spring, which pumps over 600 gallons of water a minute and continues to supplement the local water supply.


The park is a 12 acre open-space research preserve and heritage park that will protect these irreplaceable resources for generations and share the stories of the community’s past. Visitors are encouraged to explore the landscape via a network of trails that wind around the historic 18th century house and through the wooded areas of the property. Along the trails are interpretive signs that tell the story of the site, including topics of prehistory, archaeology, flora and fauna, preservation, historic figures, and more. These signs will be paired with a teaching guide available to local teachers who want to share local ecology and history with their students.