Presented by Nicolasa Chávez
Deputy New Mexico State Historian, writer/curator and singer/dancer. She began her early flamenco training with Vicente Romero, Lili del Castillo, Eva Encinias-Sandoval, Pablo Rodarte, and the legendary María Benítez. As author of The Spirit of Flamenco: From Spain to New Mexico; former Curator of Latino/Hispano/Spanish Colonial Collections at the Museum of International Folk Art. She received her master´s degree in history with a concentration in Iberian Studies from University of New Mexico. A 14th generation New Mexican, she is passionate about history and the performing arts.Chávez continue to perform lecture demonstrations and presentations related to the rich history, cultural, artistic and musical traditions of New Mexico. In Spain she studied singing with Manuel Gines and researched Flamenco history.
Luis Campos, Guitarist who has been a part of New Mexico’s flamenco scene since its earliest beginnings, having received his degree from Cuban born Maestro Héctor Garcìa in 1976 at University of New Mexico. He collaborated with Nicolasa Chávez in creating the Flamenco Villancicos (Flamenco Christmas songs) and performs duet concerts with her on this theme and also conducts lectures/demonstrations on the villancicos, its appearance/impact on New Mexico.