Note: This is a special Sunday program
Presented by: Dr. Jessica Munson
Presenter bio: Archaeologist and Associate Professor of Archaeology & Anthropology, Lycoming College; Director of Archaeology and Director for Altar de Sacrificios Archaeology Project (supported by Wenner-Gren Foundation); Her areas of expertise include Maya Archaeology, formative Mesoamerica, community organization, ritual writing, and architecture. Previous postdoctoral positions: University of California-Davis and Simon Fraser University; Co-Author, (w/V. Amati, M. Collard, M.Macri) ‘Classic Maya bloodletting and the cultural evolution of religious ritual: Quantifying patterns of variation in hieroglyphic texts’, in PLoS One; and (w/A.Kazuwo) ‘Ancient Maya obsidian exchange and chipped stone production at Caobal, Guatemala.’, in Mexicon; (w/M.Macri),‘Sociopolitical network interactions: A case study of the Classic Maya,’ in Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.