TOURS | Guatamala Highlands and Copán


Rain forests, snow-capped volcanoes, and magnificent lakes make up the landscape of the ancient Maya in the highlands of Guatemala. On our tour you’ll experience a complete spectrum of history...

TOUR: Archaeology and History of New England


Join us on our inaugural tour of archaeological and historical sites of New England! During the week we’ll cover a broad expanse of time, from learning about the Native communities...

TOUR: San Juan River Trip


Join our adventure in the heartland of the Ancestral Puebloan world. From land and from the vantage point of Utah’s San Juan River, you’ll experience one of the most scenic...

TOUR: Peru


From the golden tombs of the Moche on Peru’s coastal plain, to the splendor of Cuzco and the magic of Machu Picchu high in the Andes, our tour promises to...

TOUR: Ohio Moundbuilders


Hundreds of years ago in what is now part of southern Ohio, a complex culture of mound builders flourished.  Extensive earthworks, some towering six stories high, are the legacy of...