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SOUTHWEST SEMINARS | Picuris Pueblo and Chaco

Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FE, NM, United States

Presented by Dr. Severin Fowles Archaeologist and Associate Professor of Anthropology, Barnard College, Columbia University. Tucked away in the mountains at the northeastern margin of the Pueblo world, Picuris is...


Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FE, NM, United States

Presented by Dr. Joseph H. Suina (Cochiti Pueblo) Former Governor of Cochiti Pueblo and Professor Emeritus of Education, University of New Mexico; former director, Institute for American Indian Education; Author...

SOUTHWEST SEMINARS | Experience of Indigenous People in Spanish Guinea

Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FE, NM, United States

Presented by Dr. Mark Asquino U.S. Ambassador (ret.) and Foreign Service Officer; His thirty-seven year career included postings in Latin America, Europe, Central Asia and Africa. During 2012-2015, served as U.S....