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Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FE, NM, United States

Presented by: Verma Nequatewa (Hotvela, Second Mesa Hopi) and Dr. Robert W.  Rhodes Verma: Hopi born & raised; distinguished jewelry artist (Sonwai); 25 year apprenticeship w/her uncle,  renowned jewelry artist Charles Loloma...

SOUTHWEST SEMINARS | Sandal Imagery in the Chaco Road System & Greater Bears Ears

Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FE, NM, United States

Presented by: Dr. Benjamin Aaron Bellorado Anthropological archaeologist; Assistant Curator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum; 25 years research in perishable and textile analyses, dendroarchaeology (tree ring dating), ceramic analysis, and...

SOUTHWEST SEMINARS | History & Landscape at Two Chacoan Communities in New Mexico

Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FE, NM, United States

Presented by Dr. Kellam Throgmorton Archaeologist and Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Northern Arizona University; Field Director, Northern Chaco Outliers Project, Crow Canyon Archaeological Center; Director of NAU Lithic Artifact Lab;...

SOUTHWEST SEMINARS | Picuris Pueblo and Chaco

Hotel Santa Fe 1501 Paseo de Peralta, Santa FE, NM, United States

Presented by Dr. Severin Fowles Archaeologist and Associate Professor of Anthropology, Barnard College, Columbia University. Tucked away in the mountains at the northeastern margin of the Pueblo world, Picuris is...