Join us in Oaxaca, Mexico during one of the most unusual festivals anywhere – the Day of the Dead. On this day, people prepare home altars and cemeteries to welcome...
Presented by: Dr. Benjamin Aaron Bellorado Anthropological archaeologist; Assistant Curator of Archaeology, Arizona State Museum; 25 years research in perishable and textile analyses, dendroarchaeology (tree ring dating), ceramic analysis, and...
Presented by: Dr. Pat Gilman Professor Emerita of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma; Publications on social variations within the Mimbres region, Mogollon Great Kivas, and Mimbres iconography and religion; Co-Editor (w/C.W....
Presented by: Dr. Paul Minnis Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma; Editor, Author or Co-Author of a dozen books along with numerous journal articles and chapters. After four decades...
Presented by: Dr. Kerry Frances Thompson (Diné) Associate Professor of Anthropology and current Department Chair, Northern Arizona University; Chapter Author (w/R.H. Towner), ‘Navajo Archaeology’ Oxford Handbook of Southwestern Archaeology; (w/O. V. Marek-Martinez), ‘Engaging...