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On April 19, 2022, History Colorado and historic preservationists from around the state of Colorado celebrated the winners of the 2022 Stephen H. Hart Awards for Historic Preservation at a ceremony in Denver.  Recipients for this award are selected for their contributions toward advancing the preservation field through the research and innovation.  We are honored to have received this award with our partners at Crow Canyon Archaeological Center for preservation work at the Haynie Site in southern Colorado.

We’re grateful for the leadership of History Colorado, which includes the offices of Archaeology and Historic Preservation and the State Historical Fund, as well as our members and supporters for nominating and voting for the Haynie Site.

The Haynie Site is a Chacoan-outlier representing Ancestral Puebloan life in two Great Houses, among other associated features. The site lends to the story of the tribes that have made the southwest corner of the state their home. Further, the site, which was once privately owned and looted for artifacts to sell on the black market, was rescued as a result of the coordinated efforts of Crow Canyon Archaeological Center, The Archaeological Conservancy, and the State Historical Fund (SHF).  An SHF grant led to the confirmation that the site retained intact archaeological deposits and the potential to expand what is known about the Ancestral Puebloans. Today, Haynie is not only the site of cutting-edge research and public education, it is also being preserved for the education of future generations.

Learn more about the Haynie site and the work being done there in the video below: