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Archaeology at Lyon’s Bluff: Past, Present, and Future

Presented by Dr. Evan Peacock

  • Director Emeritus of The Cobb Institute of Archaeology at Mississippi State University
  • BA in Anthropology from Mississippi State University
  • MSc and PhD in Archaeology from the University of Sheffield, England
  • Practicing archaeologist (private-sector, US Forest Service, and for MSU)

About the lecture

Lyon’s Bluff was an agricultural village in the Black Prairie of Mississippi primarily occupied from about AD 1200 to 1650. It was occupied when Hernando de Soto entered the area in the winter of 1540, and there is potential for linking the site to one of the Native polities mentioned in the Spanish chronicles. Because of the area’s peculiar environmental characteristics, the state of preservation of archaeological remains is extraordinarily good, as revealed by excavations and remote sensing. Work on the flank of the single platform mound revealed a beautiful sequence of layers signifying multiple episodes of demolition and rebuilding of a mound-top structure. A later, 19th century reoccupation of the western end of the site likely represents Choctaw families associated with a nearby mission. A major part of the site was faced with imminent destruction when the Archaeological Conservancy stepped in to save what is one of the most important sites in the Mid-South region.

Free For Everyone

Our virtual lectures are a part of our Outreach and Education efforts. They are free to our Members and the General Public.  Recorded lectures are posted on YouTube and on the event page after the event occurs.

For questions about the event or how to register, please contact Susan Bowdoin ([email protected]) or Sarah Webber ([email protected]).