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In January of 2017 The Archaeological Conservancy was awarded of a $8,772.75 grant by the National Trust for Historic Preservation from the Bonderman Southwest Intervention Fund. These grant funds will be used toward the New Mexico Archaeological Fencing Project.

The Archaeological Conservancy will fence two extraordinary sites in northern New Mexico – the Holmes Group site and Garcia Canyon Pueblito. Fencing around the cultural material is a crucial part of the preservation process. This provides protection from looters, prevents wildlife and livestock from entering the site, and blocks access for off-highway vehicles and other motorized equipment.

Jim Walker, the Conservancy’s Southwest Regional Director, stated: “We are grateful for the generous support given to our New Mexico preservation projects by the National Trust’s Bonderman Southwest Intervention Fund. Our partnership with the National Trust for Historic Preservation began in 1982 when the Trust provided an emergency loan to purchase Mud Springs Pueblo near Cortez, the Conservancy’s first acquisition in Colorado. When preservation groups collaborate to achieve common goals, our collective vision of leaving a legacy for future generations to enjoy can become a reality.” By protecting the Garcia Canyon Pueblito and Holmes Group sites, the Conservancy will prevent damage to the irreplaceable cultural material on both sites.

“Organizations like The Archaeological Conservancy help to ensure that communities and towns all across America retain their unique sense of place,” said Stephanie Meeks, president of the National Trust for Historic Preservation. “We are honored to provide a grant to The Archaeological Conservancy, which will use the funds to help preserve an important piece of our shared national heritage.”

Photos of the Preservation Team at work on Garcia Canyon.

Team member Working on the Garcia Canyon Preservation Project for the Archaeological Conservancy.
Up-close with the detailed work required to do architectural preservation.

Photos of the Holmes Group site.

Holmes Group LiDAR Image By Richard Friedman

About the National Trust for Historic Preservation

The National Trust for Historic Preservation is a privately-funded nonprofit organization that works to save America’s historic places to enrich our future. The National Trust for Historic Preservation is committed to protecting America’s rich cultural legacy and helping build vibrant, sustainable communities that reflect our nation’s diversity. Follow NTHP on Twitter @savingplaces.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privately funded nonprofit organization, works to save America’s historic places.

Grants from the National Trust Preservation Funds range from $2,500 to $5,000 and have provided over $15 million since 2003. These matching grants are awarded to nonprofit organizations and public agencies across the country to support wide-ranging activities including consultant services for rehabilitating buildings, technical assistance for tourism that promotes historic resources, and the development of materials for education and outreach campaigns. Visit the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s Preservation Fund online for more information.

Also Reported in the Ruidoso News