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Albuquerque, New Mexico – June 14, 2017 – The Archaeological Conservancy is excited to announce the launch of the POINT-6 Program (Protect Our Irreplaceable National Treasures). This is the sixth phase of an emergency acquisition project intended to purchase and preserve significant sites in immediate danger of destruction.

POINT was introduced in 2000 with a $1 million dollar challenge grant the Conservancy had to match dollar for dollar in order to receive the funds. Through the support of members, foundations, and corporations, the Conservancy was able to raise the matching funds. The overwhelming success of the program prompted five additional phases of the project. Inspired by the past success of POINT and driven by the impact of the emergency funds on our preservation efforts, Conservancy board member, Leslie Masson and her husband Colin, have generously pledged a $1 million dollar challenge grant to launch the POINT-6 Program. Leslie is passionate about archaeology and preservation of our national prehistoric heritage.

The greatest obstacle in saving these sites is funding. Realizing this, Leslie and Colin made the challenge grant with the expectation of building on the success of past POINT Programs. The $1 million dollar gift must be matched dollar for dollar by June 2019. The funds will be used quickly to acquire highly endangered archaeological sites around the nation – sites that are in imminent danger of being destroyed or sold, as well as those sites for which a cash offer is required in order to make a purchase.

Mark Michel, the Conservancy’s President, stated, “Our POINT program has a proven record that enables the Conservancy to save eminently endangered archaeological sites.This new phase will build on that success.”

The POINT-6 Program will focus primarily on sites in five geographic regions, as well as the sites of one national culture, the Paleo-Indians, who were the earliest inhabitants of the Americas. Although any endangered site of national significance will be eligible for protection under the program, regional preservation will focus on the following areas: Great Basin archaeology of the West; Four Corners archaeology of the Southwest; Algonquian and Iroquois village sites of the Northeast; Mississippian sites in the Southeast; and Moundbuilder sites of the Ohio Valley.

To date, the Conservancy has protected 134 highly threatened sites throughout the nation through the POINT Program. This project makes cash immediately available to rescue sites that are in eminent danger. By taking a thematic approach, the Conservancy will ensure that endangered sites are preserved for posterity, saving phenomenal pieces of America’s prehistory.

About The Archaeological Conservancy

The Archaeological Conservancy, established in 1980, is the only national non-profit organization dedicated to acquiring and preserving the best of our nation’s remaining archaeological sites. Based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the Conservancy also operates regional offices in Mississippi, Maryland, Ohio, and California. The Conservancy continues to be rated a 4 star charity by Charity Navigator. The Conservancy has preserved over 500 sites across the nation, ranging in age from the earliest habitation sites in North America to a 19th-century frontier army post.

2024 Update: The POINT-6 Program is no longer accepting donations, but you can still help The Archaeological Conservancy by making donations directly to our Preservation Fund!