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The Archaeological Conservancy's Preservation Efforts in the East: from the Paleoindian through 20th-Century Industrial Sites

Presented by Kelley Berliner

  • Eastern Regional Director
  •  B.A. in Anthropology (University of Toronto)
  • M.A. in Historical Archaeology (The College of William and Mary)

More about the lecture

The Archaeological Conservancy’s Preserves in the Eastern Region span a long period of time–from the Thunderbird site, which contains the remains of one of the earliest Paleoindian structures discovered in the country, to the Pamplin Pipe Factory, a manufacturing facility that grew from an early cottage industry of making pipes from local clays.

Between are diverse sites including Iroquois/Haudenosaunee villages, prehistoric quarries, French and Indian War fortifications, and more. This talk will highlight some of these important sites and the Conservancy’s efforts to preserve them.

About the presenter

Kelley Berliner (pictured right) began working with The Archaeological Conservancy in 2013 and currently serves as the Eastern Regional Director, managing over 60 properties from Maine south through North Carolina, all the while working to preserve additional sites. Previously she worked as a field archaeologist, educator, and museum interpreter in the Eastern United States, Michigan, and Canada. She has a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Toronto and an M.A. in Historical Archaeology from The College of William and Mary. Her interests include public archaeology, community engagement, preservation, and archaeology of the northeastern United States and Canada.

Free For Everyone

Our virtual lectures are a part of our Outreach and Education efforts. They are free to our Members and the General Public.  Recorded lectures are posted on YouTube and on the event page after the event occurs.

For questions about the event or how to register, please contact Susan Bowdoin ([email protected]) or Sarah Webber ([email protected]).