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The November 1992 issue of Arizona Highways featured our original President and Co-founder Mark Michel. The article discusses how The Archaeological Conservancy was born from the idea that vulnerable cultural heritage sites found on private lands could be protected through private ownership by those who care.  Fast forward and, thanks to our members and supporters, we have now saved almost 600 sites nationally!

Some of the Conservancy’s earliest acquisition and preservation projects occurred in the Verde Valley of Arizona.  Two of the preserves discussed in this article, Oak Creek and Sugarloaf Pueblos are featured in a Virtual Tour Video, “The Hisatsinom Hilltop Sites of the Verde Valley”.

“The Man Who Loves Ruins” written by John Gwynn with photos by Jerry Jacka.

Extracted AZHwy 1992 Article Singles3

A short clip of the Oak Creek/Atkeson Preserve.