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photo of people climbing through wooded area next to sandstone cliffs.

Conservancy staff explore the Yellow Jacket Canyon cliff dwellings with archaeologist Jerry Fetterman.
Photo credit: Susan Bowdoin for TAC

In 2022, Conservancy member and longtime southwestern archaeologist Jerry Fetterman donated a thirty-five-acre parcel in Colorado’s Montezuma Valley that contains significant archaeological resources. The parcel, which has been named the Yellow Jacket Canyon Preserve, is located by the rim of Yellow Jacket Canyon, and it borders Canyon of the Ancients National Monument. It is a short distance away from three other Conservancy preserves: the Joe Ben Wheat site complex, Yellow Jacket Pueblo, and Albert Porter Pueblo. The Yellowjacket Canyon Preserve is the Conservancy’s twenty-third Colorado preserve, and eighteenth in the Montezuma Valley.

Take a virtual visit to this wonderful preserve!